Our Publications
Funding and financing of aged care
Viability supplements to regional and remote providers should be greatly increased.
A holistic approach to aged care
Aged care should be based on reliable data, shared between consumers, providers, regulators and researchers.
Residential aged care consumer experience reports
Improving satisfaction levels suggest that providers are finding ways to artificially improve responses.
The ill-informed market for residential aged care
People often choose to move long distances into aged care homes, but have little information to help them.
Improving the quality of residential aged care
Very high debt to net asset ratios for some for-profit providers make it increasingly likely that a large provider will fail.
Proposed alternative models for allocating residential aged care places
Provided consumers are well-informed about quality and financial stability, reducing locational controls is a good idea.
Submission on proposed residential aged care funding model
Much more work is needed before a new residential aged care funding model can be safely introduced.
Transparency and financial control of aged care providers
Complex structures increase the risks of provider failures, and make it impossible to judge profitability and capital adequacy.
Data on residential aged care quality
Large changes in notices of non-compliance and sanctions reflect major changes in the decision-making of Commonwealth government agencies
New techniques for household microsimulation, and their application to Australia
The techniques proposed in this thesis are being used in our COVID-19 modelling