Roles and models for the Climate Change Authority

Recent legislation has added to the complex responsibilities of the Climate Change Authority. This submission looks at the roles of the Authority, and the computer models needed by the Authority and other Commonwealth agencies.

A model of Safeguard facilities would be of immediate value. It should be based on detailed past data on each facility, on each commodity and on abatement methods for each industry. Making these data publicly available would help inform public discussion on policy alternatives.

The Climate Change Minister has to publish an annual climate change statement, including the impacts of the Commonwealth’s climate change policies on rural and regional Australia. The Authority’s model of Safeguard facilities should help do this, and should provide relevant input for the climate and industry modelling being developed by Treasury.

The Authority is required to advise the Minister on Australia’s nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement. This must include advice on employment, social and economic benefits of emission policies. The Authority will need to work with other Commonwealth departments and agencies.


Safeguard rules for coal mines


Underestimation of coal mine emissions